Lauren Robertson (PhD Washington University in St. Louis, 2016) researches and teaches the literature and culture of early modern England. Her scholarly interests include the plays and playwrights of the London commercial theater, theatrical convention and stagecraft, intellectual history, skepticism, early modern classicism, and translation. Articles related to these topics appear in Shakespeare Studies, Renaissance Drama, Shakespeare Quarterly, and Publicity and the Early Modern Stage (Palgrave, 2021). She is also the author of Entertaining Uncertainty in the Early Modern Theater: Stage Spectacle and Audience Response (Cambridge, 2023), which uncovers the ways that the commercial theater transformed the provocations to doubt definitive of English early modernity into pleasurable, popular entertainment.
She is currently at work on a second book about early modern English Romanitas as it was expressed in drama, poetry, translation, civic festivity, and architecture; an essay drawn from this project is forthcoming in English Literary Renaissance.