Robert W. Hanning
Robert W.Hanning. CC '58, BA Oxon 1960, MA Oxon 1964, PhD Columbia.1964. Taught in E&CL as grad student 1961-63, full time (Instructor through Professor) 1963-2006. Major field, medieval English and comparative literature. Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America. ACLS, Guggenheim,and HEH Fellowships; Rockefeller Fellowship to Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio. 1998 Biennial Chaucer Lecturer, New Chaucer Society, Paris, La Sorbonne. The Vision of History in Early Britain (1966), The Individual in Twelfth-Century Romance (1977), Serious Play: Desire and Authority in the Poetry of Ovid, Chaucer, and Ariosto (2010); The Lais of Marie de France (co.translated. with Joan Ferrante,1978), The Romance of Thebes (co-translated with Joan Ferrante, 2018); Castiglione: The Real and the Ideal in Renaissance Culture (co-edited with David Rosand,1983). 1989-2005, created and taught undergraduate course, "'Race' and Racism: Literary Representation of an American Crisis."