In the past two decades, Marxism has enjoyed a revitalization as a research programme and as a political project, in dialogue, and sometimes conflict, with a variety of Post-Marxist currents. The Routledge Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism (edited by Alex Callinicos, Stathis Kouvelakis and Lucia Pradella) explores the development of what are now ‘a thousand Marxisms’, setting them in dialogue against a truly global backdrop. Transcending disciplinary boundaries, nearly sixty contributors from all over the world guide the reader through these traditions, starting from Marx and Engels themselves, through the thinkers of the Second and Third Internationals, the Tricontinental, Subaltern and Post-Colonial Studies, to more contemporary figures such as Huey Newton, Fredric Jameson, Judith Butler, Samir Amin and Angela Davis.
In this book launch, the leading postcolonial thinker Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and the South African scholar and anti-apartheid activist Trevor Ngwane will discuss with the Editors and Contributors how to learn to use Marx in a world in turmoil.
More info on the Handbook here:
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