Join CSSD for the public launch of the Zip Code Memory Project, co-organized by Marianne Hirsch, Diana Taylor, Lorie Novak, Susan Meiselas, and Laura Wexler and the Virtual Roundtable on “Reparative Memory” featuring Michael Arad, Susan Meiselas, Doris Salcedo, Hank Willis Thomas, and Mabel Wilson.
Moderated by Carol Becker, Dean of Columbia University School of the Arts.
How can the devastating but radically disproportionate losses caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic be memorialized? While acknowledging the social inequities and injustices the pandemic has exposed, might local memories of loss and neglect be transformed into a practice of justice and collective healing? What aesthetic memorial forms and strategies of engagement best foster the work of Repair?
This will be the first in a series of conversations on “Reparative Memory” in conjunction with Columbia University School of the Art’s theme of “Repair” and the Zip Code Memory Project, based at the Center for the Study of Social Difference.
For more information, please see here. RSVP here.