Academic Advising
The primary adviser for practical questions concerning coursework and degree requirements is Professor Matt Hart, the Associate Director of Graduate Studies (ADGS).
In addition, during the first week of the fall semester, all M.A. students are assigned a faculty adviser. Every attempt is given to match students with advisers from their own figraduateelds, though sometimes faculty with research leaves or administrative duties make this impossible.
Advisers and advisees should meet in person twice per semester, once during the registration period and again before classes end. The first meeting will focus on course selection, while the second meeting gives the advisee a chance to say how things are going generally, to discuss any specific issues or problems, and to begin to think ahead to the next term.
A how-to session for new students is typically held the Thursday before Labor Day. This session includes, introductions to the Chair, DGS, Associate DGS, and departmental staff; information on work study, libraries, and how to stay informed.
The DGS usually meets with each class once or twice per year. As necessary, the Chair and other faculty members meet with the entire department to discuss general department policies and issues.
Mail Folders and Bulletin Boards
Everyone has a mailbox outside of 602 Philosophy. Students also should check the bulletin boards on the 6th floor of Philosophy Hall (and elsewhere in the building) for announcements of courses, conferences, talks meetings and other items of potential interest.
E-Mail Account and Listserv
Students should activate their Columbia University e-mail accounts immediately at Information on deadlines, meetings and special events are posted electronically. Students also are part of the department's Graduate Student Listserv. To send messages to all members of the group, one should address e-mails to [email protected].
Student Services Online every mid-semester and follow up on any unregistered changes immediately.
Check the department website for announcements and upcoming events.