Poetry and Poetics Colloquium
In this colloquium we explore both transhistorical and post-1945/contemporary poetry and poetics. We place special focus on some major poetic movements of the 20th century (such as the New York School, Language or post-Language poetics). In doing so, we hope that the colloquium can begin to widen conversations around those areas and facilitate the sharing of expertise and perspectives between students, faculty, and guest speakers.
Because of its nuanced research areas, this colloquium has the potential to be an asset for the department on multiple intellectual and pedagogical levels. Beyond holding typical workshops for graduate papers and academic work, we are also interested in imagining how the space could help the broader graduate student community. We will focus on a faculty-led workshop on innovative ways to teach poetic metre and scansion and workshops that are centered on how to incorporate the teaching of contemporary poetry within historical poetry classes. Lastly, by inviting external guest scholars who work in public-facing roles, such as public literary criticism, we can offer a space for graduate students to learn more about professionalisation.
We invite active participation from students and scholars from across the humanities, including but not limited to Comparative Literature, School of the Arts, Germanic Studies, French Studies, and History.
The format of this colloquium is as follows:
1. Two formal, community-building activities each semester, including poetry readings by invited speakers and workshops of works in progress.
2. Monthly student-led readings and discussions of selected texts.
3. A social event at least once a semester, to build networks and create connections and community across departments.
To join our email list, please send a message to: Chloe Tsolakoglou and Jay Gao.